Upper Wind Whitewater Festival
The sun is shinning and snow is starting to melt! Whitewater festival time is here! The 2023 Upper Wind Whitewater Festival kicked off spring last weekend. Lower flows kept many racers and spectators away but those that attended with rewarded with warm temps and awesome sunshine!

Racers Meeting
A big thanks to Fontaine Rittlemann for capturing the day. Make sure to check out all of the photos on SmugMug.
The lower flows kept the race numbers to a minimum but there was still a good showing. Andrew McEwan won the men's long boat devision, with Andi Brunner taking home 1st in the men's short boat. Mary Morgan brought home the win in the women's short boat race.

A few racers coming through Rams Horn
Tim Brink and Luke Spencer cruised to 1st place in the R2 race. A few teams joined forces and did an R4 race.
As always Rams Horn attracted a handful of spectators. The lower flows made the race course quite the rock dodge this year. Boats were a little more spread out and there was very little carnage. Thanks to all those that were on standby ready to grab a swimmer or toss any one a rope.

Digging Deep
Check out all of the race results here.
As always Backwoods Brewing Company hosted the post race raffle and awards. Another big thanks to all sponsors for helping support the race! See you all next year!