What are the Different Types of River Currents?
River water does not flow in a straight line but must meander, fall, swirl, and collect according to its environment. We call these movements currents. As whitewater boaters, we must...

The Best PFD for Boating
A Personal Flotation Device (PFD) is a necessary piece of safety equipment for any paddler or passenger. While nearly all PFDs have a similar general design, each boater looks for...

Frequently Asked Questions About PFDs
A Personal Flotation Device, also called a PFD, helps you stay on the surface of the water. However, there are so many questions, so lets dive in. What is the...

Do I need a dry suit for kayaking?
The short answer is: it depends on the river. If you are kayaking all year round, and the winter months are cold and snowy, you are going to want a...

Introduction to Inflatable Kayaking
Inflatable kayaking (IK) is a great introduction to the water. Their versatility can surprise you: IK’s can be perfect for a relaxing lake paddle, an exciting whitewater expedition, or a...

New Gear Revealed at the 2019 America Outdoor Association Conference
Winter is here, the holidays are coming in fast, and many boaters have all their gear put away for the year. That means to it time to start thinking, dreaming,...

Hypalon Inflatable Boat Repair
Make sure you know what type of material you are repairing, as there are different techniques for repairing different raft materials. This article is for repairing hypalon rafts. What You...

AIRE BakRaft Review
I’ve been using the AIRE BakRaft Expedition for a couple years now and want to share my thoughts about their strengths and weaknesses. First and foremost, these revolutionary ultralight kayaks...

Pro Tip: Spring Multi-Day Trips in Oregon
We have an impressive snowpack in Oregon and I'm getting ready for some unique multi-day trips this spring. Instead of picking a particular river, consider picking a time frame and...

Event: Upper Clackamas River Festival 2015
Flowers are blooming, the days are getting longer, and rain clouds are doing their best to produce some precipitation. That means it is spring, with summer not to far off....