Multi-Day Trips in the West
When it comes to overnight river trips, the Western US has an amazing collection of options, with each state offering something different. Idaho is known as the whitewater state. Arizona...

Dutch Oven Pineapple Upside Down Cake
Baking a pineapple upside down cake in a dutch oven is a classic dessert among river guides and other dutch oven chefs. Most dutch oven cakes are actually quite easy,...

Pro Tip: Poison Oak
For many mountain bikers, rafters, and kayakers poison oak (Toxicodendron diversilobum) is one of the scariest things found in the woods. This nasty bush is commonly found in California, Oregon,...

Pro Tip: Spring Multi-Day Trips in Oregon
We have an impressive snowpack in Oregon and I'm getting ready for some unique multi-day trips this spring. Instead of picking a particular river, consider picking a time frame and...

Pro Tip: Setting up the Groover
Portable toilets on river trips are affectionately known as the "groover" after the grooves older metal ammo cans left on your butt cheeks after sitting on them. Modern groovers are...

River Safety: Rattlesnakes
Rattlesnakes are some of the most foreboding creatures in the wilderness. However, like most of the fauna you encounter out there, they just want to be left alone. The chance...

Pro-Tip: Rainboots
I came off the water of my first Grand Canyon trip a couple weeks ago and couldn't have had a better time. The place was, of course, mind-blowingly incredible, and the people...