Pro Tips: Whitewater Kayaking In A Large Group
Our friend Howard (AKA How Pow) has nine tips for kayaking in a large group.
"Although larger groups can have their issues, with a few precautions they can be awesome. You can reconnect with old friends, make new friends, and basically the more really can be the merrier." -How Pow
Tip #1: Pick the Right River
Picking the right river is key. You want to go on one with lots of eddies so that it’s easy to regroup and check in. Rivers that are steep with lots of drops aren’t the best for large groups.
Tip #2: Have a Core Group
One of the main problems with boating in a large group is the logistical chaos. One way to counteract the chaos is to have a small core group that you organize with before sending out an open invite to more friends.
Tip #3: Be Open to Boating With New Friends
When sending out an open invite it’s important to keep an open mind for who might want to join. Making new friends is one of the best parts of the whitewater community.
Tip #4: Ascertain Skill Levels of Group Members
In a kind and curious way, ask the new people you’re boating with what their experience is with the stretch of whitewater you’re running. Don’t shoot them down or spray them with beta, instead use their answer to help you assess the amount of attention to give them on the water.
Tip #5: Establish Hand Signals
Before you get on the water make sure that everyone is on the same page with hand signals that might be used (i.e. pointing positive, eddy out, stop).
Tip #6: Divide Into Little Pods
It can be tricky to keep track of everyone in a large group. So, splitting into smaller pods of 3-4 paddlers is a good idea. That way you can look out for each other and show lines if there’s a newer paddler.
Tip #7: Know How Many People Are In Your Group
Be sure you have an accurate head count before getting on the water. Then several times throughout the lap count again to make sure you didn’t leave any friends behind.
Tip #8: Don’t forget to count yourself
It happens more than you think! Don’t forget to count yourself in the headcount.
Tip #9: Pay Attention to Spacing
Boat spacing can get chaotic with a large group, so it’s often necessary to leave more room than usual between boats to maintain safety and flow.
By following these tips, large group kayaking trips can be fun, safe, and well-organized. Happy paddling!