Pro Tips: River Permit Lottery
Every January boating groups around the country (maybe the world) get together in person, video chats, or long email chains and formulate a plan to get the perfect season of multi-day trips.
The number of people applying has increased quite a bit over years. If you want to see some graphs, chats, and intense data to increase your changed check out Permit Lottery For Rafting Western Rivers
Four Rivers
These trips seem to be the "golden ticket" for many.
- Middle Fork of the Salmon (ID) 4 Rivers Permit Lottery
- Snake River - Hells Canyon (OR/ID) 4 Rivers Permit Lottery
- Selway River (ID) 4 Rivers Permit Lottery
- Main Salmon (ID) 4 Rivers Permit Lottery
The Rogue is one of the western classics. It's the only one that requires the lottery though. Check below for some more options in Oregon that aren't part of the lottery.
- Rogue River (OR) Rogue River Wild and Scenic Lottery

Blossom Bar
Utah, Colorado, and Arizona
- Yampa (CO/UT) Dinosaur Green and Yampa River Lottery
- Green - Gates Ledore (CO/UT) Dinosaur Green and Yampa River Lottery
- Green River - Desolation and Gray Canyon (UT) Desolation Gray - Green River Permit Lottery
- San Juan (UT) San Juan River Permit Lottery
- Salt River (AZ) Salt River Canyon Wilderness Permit Lottery
Permit Application Due In February
- Smith River (MT) Smith River Permit Lottery - Application Deadline is February 14th
- Colorado - Grand Canyon (AZ) Grand Canyon Permit Lottery

Grand Canyon
Each February the lottery for the following year opens. There are also cancellation lotteries that open through out the year. When you create your profile you can sign up for email updates on cancellation lotteries.
Call ahead for Permit
- Toulumne River (CA) Toulumne Wild and Scenic River Permit
- Deschutes River (OR) Deschutes River Boater Pass
- John Day River (OR) John Day River Permit
- Dolores River (CO/UT) Dolores River Permit
- Colorado - Ruby Horsethief (CO/UT) Ruby Horsethief Canyon Permit
- Colorado - Westwater Canyon (UT) Westwater Canyon Permit
- Colorado - Cataract Canyon (UT) Cataract Canyon Permit
- Green River - Labyrinth (UT) Flat Water Permit
- Rio Chama (NM) Rio Chama Wild and Scenic River Permit
Self Issue Permits
- Grande Ronde River (OR) Grande Ronde River Permit
- Illinois River (OR) Self issue permits are required for all groups. You can get one at the Rays Food Place in Selma.
- Owyhee River (ID/OR) Owyhee Permit
- Lower Salmon (ID) Self issue permit
- Jarbridge-Bruneau River (ID) Jarbridge-Bruneau River Permit
Check out this write up to learn a bit more about the lottery system. Good luck to everyone in the lottery!