Pro Tips: First Trip of the Season
The sun is shining, the snow is starting to melt, permits have been issued, and that means rafting season is almost here! Time to go through your gear, inflate your raft, and fix all the broken things you didn't get around to fixing last year.
Soft Gear
I am thinking about my sleeping bag, tent, layers, jackets and rain. Before I put that stuff away for the winter I make sure to give it a good wash and dry. Its a bummer to pull out your sleeping bad and find that is smells like a sweaty food and is growing some mold from last fall.
It isn't a bad idea to rewash anything that might bit a bit musty or even toss in the dryer with a dryer sheet or a spritz of your favorite air freshener. This is almost a great time to spray down your rain gear with a water repellent treatment. Just because you have Gore-Tex doesn't mean it will keep you dry for ever.

Wrist gasket replacement
Also don't forget to go over you wetsuit/dry suit. Make sure the zippers are all in working order and give them a little zipper lube. Check out your drysuit gaskets to make sure they are still in good shape. If not, take the time to repair them, or send them in to have them done.
Kitchen Gear
Hopefully you didn't get off your last multi-day trip and tell yourself you will wash the kitchen dishes later. That later might be now and I am sure you will regret it. Same goes for your cooler. Wash those things right after your trip and give them a bleach rinse.
It is nice to have an inventory sheet of what you keep in your kitchen box. Go over it to make sure you have the right pots/pans, bowls/plates, cooking and eating utensils. Also don't forget soap, sponges, and bleach to keep your things clean while on the river.
You probably put your stove away in good working order at the end of last season. However, lots can happen when you don't use things often. Set your stove up and run it for a while to make sure it's in good working order. It is actually easier to repair something at home than on the river.
First Aid Kit

First aid kit ready to go
Your first aid kit should be checked and double checked often. The start of the season is a good time to resupply everything, especially any meds you might carry that may have expired. Checking your kit often will help ensure you don't find a sticky, moldy, gross mess from some explosion of antibiotic cream.
Safety and Repair Kit
It is a huge bummer to open your safety or repair kit in a time of need and not have what you thought was going to be there. Take some time to make sure that doesn't happen.
As for your safety kit get out all of your carabiners and pulleys. Make sure they aren't rusted and in working order. Maybe add a small amount of lubricant to moving parts. Replace anything that is beyond repair.

Safety kit check
Go over your static line to make sure there aren't any frayed spots or places mice may have had a snack. Same goes for prusiks and lengths of webbing.
If you carry glue/adhesive make sure it isn't dry or expired. You might need to replace things that have been opened once. Also check your patch material and any Tear-Air or similar.
Don't forget to go through your repair kit. Make sure you have extra nuts, bolts, screws, lynch pins and the like. Also make sure you have all the screw/nut drivers, wrenches, and allen wrenches you need to fix your gear.
Boat, Frame, Oars
I would bet money you don't want to start your first trip of summer inflating your boat only to find out a family of mice have made a home and added some holes. Get your boat out, inflate it and let it sit over night. You will have a much better time doing a repair at home than the boat ramp.

Raft, oars, frames..CHECK
Along with getting your raft out check out your frame. If you can break you frame down make sure all of the parts are there. Make sure you have extra bolts or clip. Same goes for your oars. If they come apart, make sure you have all the parts and any extra you might need for repair. If you frame is welded give it a once over to make sure you won't have to deal with a cracked frame at any point.