Gear Garage Q & A Tuesday Show | September 12th, 2023

This week's podcast is the audio version of Zach's live Q&A show, where he answers submitted questions we receive from viewers.
Questions that Zach covered this episode
Topic: Drysuit Shoes Big Feet
Any recommendations on shoes to wear with a drysuit for folks with large feet? I wear size 14 Astrals but can't get them on over a drysuit. So far all I have found is rubber sole wetsuit booties. Any thoughts are appreciated.
Topic: Tricky boat repair location
Hey guys, love the show and all you do, It’s such a great resource! I have a tricky Hypalon boat repair question. I have a small hole about the size of a pinky fingernail. Right beside some seam tape with only about a 1/16” of material before the edge of the tape. It’s an older boat so I don’t really want to lift the tape to put the patch under. Should I put a patch over the whole thing, seam edge and hole and hope for the best? Or should I put a larger patch over the hole with the patch edge bumping against the seamtape edge and then put a smaller patch over the seam where the new patch and seam edge meet. Hope that’s not too confusing, I’ll try to attach a picture so you can see what I’m working with. Appreciate any guidance or suggestions you could provide. Thank you so very much!
Appreciate any guidance or suggestions you could provide. Thank you so very much!
Topic: Inflatable PFDs
Regarding the desire for higher floatation reafting PFDs: I saw this model being used in lots of youtube videos on some serious Russian rivers. Have you ever tested anything like this?
Topic: Raft Consultation
Just looking for a quick opinion on rafts, I;ve watched quite a few of your videos. I'm currently running a 14 RMR but I'm wanting to upgrade my boat. What would your thoughts be if I could pick any boat? I'm considering Wing, Sotar, or Maravia, mostly. My wife and I mostly. Running class 2-4 primarily. We run a lot of multi-day trips here in Montana. (Fishing, camping, etc.) also like to pull out the frame and run it as a paddle boat on the Lochsa. I like Sotar and Marivia, but i'm really thinking of a Wing but I have absolutelty no opinion on one because I don't know anyone up here that has any. I like my RMR but it rides really low and when it's loaded and it's HEAVY! I want somehting tough and low maintenance and will look sharp! I know you push a 16 footer. 16' is pretty big for us since it's primarily it's just the 2 of us (and we have to launch it in some crappy sports by ourselves sometimes) I would appreciate your opinion. Thanks Man.
Topic: GoPro Mount
Hi Zach, was wondering if you had any information on how you've affixed your GoPro to the rafts during your Grand trip. Looks like PVC in some manner but couldn't find a clear shot of it anywhere in the video. Thanks!
Topic: Video Break down Please
Maybe you've seen this. If not your welcome! You guys rock!!
Watch video HERE.