Gear Garage Live Show | November 28th, 2023

This week's podcast is the audio version of the Gear Garage Live Show, where we answer submitted questions and talk all things whitewater.
Questions that Zach covered in the Q&A section of this episode
Topic: Cold Weather Rewarming
On the live show today, you mentioned that you have an upcoming show about cold weather and rewarming. I've started doing SAR work here in Alaska, and I picked up a cool trick for rewarming hypothermic patients that I think is worth sharing. Many of us pack a thermos full of hot tea and an empty platypus water bladder. If our rescue subject is severely hypothermic, the tea goes into the platypus to be placed against their skin for rewarming. Milder patients can drink the tea, and if all goes well with no hypothermia cases, I get a nice cup of tea when I'm back at the car.
Topic: Camping
Hello Zach, I would be interested in a series of how to and best practices based on multi day river camping techniques. It would be great to see how river guides and experienced river users meet the 4 rivers lottery standards for groovers, firepans, garbage transport and dish washing/grey water disposal. I know this may sound simple to someone experienced in these processes but I think the information would be extremely helpful in cutting down on pollution by inexperienced users of these beautiful places. Thanks for all the content and really enjoy the channel.
Topic: Giving Tuesday
As today is Giving Tuesday, and many charities match or even triple contributions, which charities do you think people should consider? I'm asking about river/land conservation of course.
Topic: Low Water Rafting
With in season permits being harder and harder to get, and climate change also effecting river flows, what type and size water craft would you recommend for solo low water, multiday trips? I don't carry a cooler, and I use mostly ultra light backpacking gear. TIA.
If you have questions for the next episode, send them our way on our online form