Gear Garage Live Show | July 2nd, 2024

This podcast is the audio version of the Gear Garage Live Show, where we answer submitted questions and talk all things whitewater.
Topics and links that Zach talked about this episode
- River Hardware
- Answer Questions
Some of the Questions that Zach covered in the Q&A section of this episode
Topic: Illinois IK
How low has the Illinois been run to your knowledge? I know Cronin and friends run it in the summer time but would like to get an idea of the CFS they/others have paddled. Is it still considered a 4+ river when the water is super low?
Also, have you ever done the Deer Creek to Illinois section? Looks interesting.
Thanks love the show.
Topic: Boat Decals
Rando question. What material do you guys use for the letters on your boat names to get them to stick so well?
I wanted to add a name to our site raft and the best I could think of is a vinyl cut letters but don’t know how well they will stay on.
Thank you for the info
Topic: PFD Help
Hi - I'm hoping you can help me choose a life jacket. I do mostly class III-IV rivers, and occasionally a IV+ or V rapid. Because I'm not a great swimmer and because I have Parkinson's, I'd like a life jacket better than what guides typically provide. Should I buy a Type 1, Type 5, or something else?