Eagle Creek is a National Wild and Scenic River that flows out of the Wallowa Mountains in Northeast Oregon. It begins in the Eagle Cap Wilderness and flows into the Powder River.

Eagle Creek is a National Wild and Scenic River in the Wallowa Mountains
Most of Eagle Creek can be paddled and accessed by the Eagle Creek Road. The 7 mile section described here is away from the road and has a wild feel to it. It is very continuous nature and wood is common. Most of the whitewater is Class III but since it's continuous with wood and has a portage this run deserves a solid Class IV rating.
Trip Highlights
Mile 0: Put-in near the NF-7015 bridge that crosses Eagle Creek. There is a nice put-in just downstream on river left. The river downstream is continuous and wood is common.

Put-in for Eagle Creek
Mile 2.8: Puzzle Creek Road crossed Eagle Creek.
Mile 4.9: Portage on the left around a large rapid. There is an eddy on the left just above this drop. The first part of this large rapid is formed by trees spanning a narrowing of the river. There is a nice trail on the left here.

Scouting the portage on Eagle Creek
Mile 6: Fun Rapid (IV) is a distinct rapid that can be easily scouted on the left. It typically has wood lodged in it so it may be a portage.

Fun Rapid on Eagle Creek
Mile 6.7: Little Eagle Creek enters from the right.
Mile 6.9: Take-out at Eagle Forks Campground on the left. You can also continue downstream and take-out along Eagle Creek Road.