The West Glacial River has similar scenery to the East Glacial River but avoids the bigger rapids like Commitment (IV) and Green Room (IV+).

Trip Highlights

Mile 0: Put-in just on river left upstream of the F752 bridge that crosses the West Glacial River. Please be sure to close any gates that you open.

Mile 1.5: There is a hot spring on river right that is not one that you should stop and soak in.

Mile 1.8: Left Bend Rapid (III) is a fun rapid with some holes to avoid. The scenery below here is stunning.

Left Bend Rapid on the East Glacial River in Iceland

Left Bend Rapid on the East Glacial River in Iceland

Mile 3.75: The confluence with the East Glacial River is a beautiful spot.

Mile 4.8: There is an arch on river right.

Mile 6.2: Take-out on private property on the left. You'll need permission to access the river with this take out or other river access points in the area.

Written by
Zach Collier