Pro Tip: Fixing A Broken Paddle Blade
I have used the same Werner paddle since I started kayaking about 7 years ago. My beloved Werner Player has been with me all over the west, been lost once,...
Dutch Oven Lasagna Recipe
Dutch oven cooking impresses pretty much anyone. Present a perfectly baked lasagna to a group and you increase your chances of being invited back. Shopping List This shopping list is...
Multi-Day Rafting with Your Dog
Overnight rafting trips are one of my favorite things to do and I always want to have my dog Coco with me, so bringing her along on the river makes...
Futaleufu River Travel Logistics
The world famous rafting on the Futaleufu River is situated close to the town of Futaleufu, in the northern region of Patagonia. For many people, rafting the Futaleufu is near...
Cast Iron Dutch Oven Cooking
Cast iron dutch ovens are a common cooking tool in a camp kitchen. You can use them to create delicious meals that will have people on your trip wondering "How...
Pro Tip: Hatch Covers
I have thought about the perfect raft set up for many years. While it has been a slow process I am nearing the end to piecing together my perfect build....
Pro Trip: Urethane Repair
Many people often ask how long a raft will last. That is a pretty complex question with many variables. However, not matter the material, a raft that is taken care...
Pro Tips: Rigging your Raft
When multi-day guiding, rigging your raft is only one job out of many daily tasks. By the time we get around to loading camp and bags onto our boats, the...
Water Treatment for Backcountry Trips
Many developed campgrounds and trail-heads often have potable water available. In expedition style river trips or multi day hiking, water treatment becomes important for successful trip planning. You need to...
Pro Tips: Rafting the Futaleufu River
Known as one of the best places to go rafting, the Futaleufu River has a few different options for your experience. Each different section is easily accessible from the small...