Pro Tip: FAQ For New Rowers
I spend a lot of my time recreating and working on the river. I have been on trips with people that have more experience than I may ever gain and...
Pro Tip: Planning A Multi-Day Raft Trip
Many people have gathered with their friends to submit permits for multi-day trips across the country. Deadlines for some of the classics pass at the end of January. Everyone is...
Pro Tips: Cooler Packing
Packing your cooler and getting the most out keeping your food cold and fresh is very important. Every cooler expert has their secrete ways for keeping ice until day 10,...
Pro Tip: River Etiquette
The river can be a busy place with lots of moving parts, users, and ideas. A common understanding of river etiquette for all types of rafts can make or break...
Pro Tip: Planning And Packing For A Fishing Trip Pt. 1
You and you friends are planning a rafting trip. You’ve decided that you’d like to fish on your trip – awesome! What now? Are the fishing regulations? I wonder what...
Pro Tip: Prepping For The River Season
With the days nice and long, the temperatures warming up, and the snow starting to melt it is almost river season. Unless you spend the winter months on the river...
Pro Tip: Sun Protection
We all enjoy a sunny day on the water, but a sunny day without the proper protection can quickly turn the rest of the week into a painful nightmare of...
Pro Tip: Personal Rescue Equipment (PRE)
A lot of boaters show up to put ins with all sorts of gadgets and gizmos in their PFDs for "safety". But what are they for? Do they know how...
Pro Tip: 7 Tips For Multi-Day Raft Trips in Cold Weather
Without the proper gear and preparation, rafting in cold weather can go from being fun to a survival situation fast. With the right gear and knowledge, though, cold weather rafting...
Pro Tips: Types of Whitewater Rafts
There are a handful of different types of whitewater rafts around the world. Some have been around for decades while others are the latest and greatest. Most Commonly Used Types...