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  • #8039
    cap kirk

    Ran this yesterday and got stuck on a rock in rapid above Corkscrew. I think it’s called Boulder Garden, but not sure. River wide rock maze with no clear path. I was center-right and tried to thread needle between big boulder on right and smaller boulder, and was stuck for a bit.

    Been looking for beta on best way to run this. No obvious channel. Any beta is appreciated


    I think I know which rapid you’re referring to but not 100%. If we are – At these flows I like to start on the left and make my way to the right half way down.

    cap kirk

    Thanks Zach.

    I’ll put together a little diagram. Your description doesn’t sound like this section.


    You must be referring to Corkscrew then. In a raft I start on the right and finish on the left. The rock on the right and the rock pile in the middle can be problematic so finishing left is the easiest line.

    Corkscrew is the rapid with a cabin on the left just after the rapid.

    cap kirk

    Not Corkscrew. 100 yards up stream of that, with all of the rocks. My route is center and then hard right, but it’s a tough move. Is there a better way?

    cap kirk

    Sounds like you were referring to this section in your first post.


    Yep that’s the one I thought you were referring to earlier. I start on the left and make technical move to get right but not far right.

    cap kirk

    Perfect. Thanks for the beta. The left channel looked doable but just not sure having no real ability to scout the area, or see a picture. The next time you happen thru that section, if you can turn your Go Pro on and share it, I’d super appreciate to see your run.


    Here’s drone video I took of that rapid yesterday. This is really low water.

    cap kirk

    Dang, that’s perfect! Great video, and great line. I owe you one!

    Thanks Zach.

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