Jordan Creek is a main tributary to the Wilson River. When the Wilson gage is between 5' and 10' this is a great place to paddle. The run gets a little rocky at lower flows, and gets pushy and more difficult as the flow increase. Jordan Creek is a great introduction to creek boating. Some steep drops, technical rock gardens and narrow shoots make this run great for stepping up your class III boating skills.

Fun Drop on Jordan Creek
Trip Highlights
Mile 0: After driving the the end of Joran Creek Road follow a trail that goes back up stream and down to the rivers edge.
Mile 2.9: Bridge Rapid (III+) is easily scouted as you drive up to put-in. Some eddy hopping at the top leads into a diagonal river wide ledge drop. A bunch of water pushes into a wall on the left but can be avoided by catching a river right eddy after the ledge.

Bridge Rapid on Jordan Creek
A couple of miles downstream from Bridge Rapid you will notice a river wide log jam. There is plenty of space to pull over on the left for a quick and easy portaged.

Jordan Creek Log Jam
Mile 5.5: Jordan creeks offers one more fun wave train as it enters the Wilson River. Take out on river left and walk back to your shuttle vehicles across HWY 6